Growth Journal Newsletter #6

Image by John Price

Image by John Price

"Hi friend. Thank you for giving Growth Journal space in your day. If you're finding it valuable, please consider sharing it with a friend or two. This week we've found pieces that will hopefully help with not only coping but even thriving in the current environment many of us are placed under. Really like the notion of time travel conducted by the astronaut. 




How People Psychologize Unwisely by Jeremy E. Sherman

  • Briefly: This article begins by explaining some biases that we all sometimes indulge in, including confirmation bias. It then elaborates on how we tend to imagine some ulterior psychological motive behind anyone who criticises us, and how in doing so, we allow ourselves to be absolved from self-examination. 

  • Why read: According to the author, whether we like it or not, when someone challenges us, we’re likely to psychologize them. If you’re interested in learning more about the concept of psychologizing and how to avoid it, this article will definitely prove to be worth a read.

  • Time: 8min


Surprising But Positive Consequences of Sheltering in Place by Dena Kouremetis

  • Briefly: This article focuses on the bright side of life, and what we as society have learned from this pandemic. It suggests that after this pandemic, there may be new and surprising changes to the world we live in -and we’re here to embrace it.  

  • Why read: If you’re running low on your dose of positive news, this article is just for you. It’s super brief and if you’re a fast reader, will only take up a few minutes of your day. 

  • Time: 5min


To Build Resilience in Isolation, Master the Art of Time Travel by Adam Grant

  • Briefly: Scot Kelly, an American astronaut, shares his advice on coping with isolation and uncertainty. He spent nearly a year in space, making him someone who’s worked remotely for more than almost anyone in history. For this reason, he has some great insight to share on mental time travel during isolation.

  • Why read: If you’ve ever wondered how anyone could cope living in space for nearly a year -with little control over life on earth-, this article indulges us on what life in space is like, and provides us with some insight into mental time travel, and its benefits for us in this pandemic.

  • Time: 4min








Growth Journal Newsletter #5

Photo by Dakota Roos

Photo by Dakota Roos

Growth Journal newsletter

"Hi friend. While you're reading this on a screen, it's useful to think about
the amount of time you spend with devices. Connect with the beauty around you.


How to Create Screen-Life Balance When Life Has Shifted to Screens by Catherine Price

  • Briefly: This article eloquently addresses some of the thoughts and impressions that come to mind surrounding the disadvantages of screen time, and how we can manage our on, and off screen-time more effectively to create a screen-life balance.

  • Why read: Have you ever heard of stress-scrolling? Before reading this article, I hadn’t either. I also didn’t realise that I was guilty of stress-scrolling. There are a couple of these hidden knowledge-gems in this article that allow us to get to know more about ourselves, so give it a read. 

  • Time: 8min

How to Build Healthy Habits by Amrita Marino

  • Briefly: The article is quite straight forward and allows us to (within 5 minutes) get acquainted with what it takes to start a healthy habit and why this time around, this healthy habit will withstand the test of time.

  • Why read: If you’ve ever wanted to get into a new habit of, for example, eating well, then now is your chance, since this article has the science to help you improve your health and wellbeing, by helping you build your new healthy habit and sustaining it.

  • Time: 5min

Is Emotional Intelligence Relevant for Kids? by Catherine Moore

  • Briefly: The article explains Emotional Intelligence’s relevance for kids and how we can improve Emotional Intelligence skills through games, cartoons and even toys.

  • Why read: Questions such as: is Emotional Intelligence (IE) relevant for kids? are often avoided because they might make us feel like we should already know the answer. This article is for anyone who is curious about IE in general, and especially for parents. With more time being spent indoors and at home with family, it’s a great time to use the games and tools mentioned in this article to develop the wellbeing of the kids in your life, in a meaningful way. 

  • Time: 7min

Growth Journal newsletter #4


Photo by Bobby Burch 

Growth Journal newsletter

"Hi friend. This week some of the world is opening up, and so is the nature around at least here in the Northern hemisphere. In the Growth Digest we look at well researched takes on reducing anxiety, using challenges to our advantage, wellbeing, and personal growth through the lease of meditation"


An Overlooked Way To Reduce Stress and Increase Well-Being by Douglas LaBier 

  • Briefly: This article isn’t one of those 5 ways to have it all type of articles -which becomes evident in the first few lines of its introduction. It explains how immersion in nature for as little as 20 minutes a day can have a significant impact on reducing our stress levels, since this immersion takes us “outside” of ourselves and away from our endless pursuits of happiness and a stress-free life.

  • Why read: It’s a quick, well researched and very insightful read.

  • Time: 6min

How Do We Grow Through Challenges? by Leah Katz

  • Briefly: The article explains how we often aren’t fully paying attention during times we deem as ‘difficult’. These difficult times may still have insight and joy in them and in this article it is expressed how essential it is for us to try stay fully aware of each moment -or we might just miss it all.

  • Why read: Have you ever hoped that we as people will come out of the coronavirus pandemic having learnt something? Or that something positive could come of it? Well this article addresses these exact questions, along with some tips on increasing your own awareness, so go ahead and give it a read. 

What is Psychological Wellbeing? by Professor Ivan Robertson

  • Briefly: Professor Robertson details what underpins psychological wellbeing, the two types of psychological wellbeing and the factors that affect it.

  • Why read: If you’re interested in psychology and would like to know what psychological wellbeing really means, you’ll likely enjoy this article, as it gives us a basis for understanding this popular topic.

  • Time: 4min

Personal Growth by Andy Puddicombe

  • Briefly: The author explains to us how personal growth doesn’t have to be complicated or complex and that the essence of personal growth often happens in the moment through mindfulness, mediation and awareness.

  • Why read: Andy Puddicombe is a clinical meditation consultant and co-founder of a successful meditation company. Reading this article is quick and enjoyable. It almost seems like a personal chat with him, as he’s written the article in an unsophisticated and easily readable manner.

  • Time: 3min

An Overlooked Way To Reduce Stress and Increase Well-Being by Douglas LaBier 

  • Briefly: This article isn’t one of those 5 ways to have it all type of articles -which becomes evident in the first few lines of its introduction. It explains how immersion in nature for as little as 20 minutes a day can have a significant impact on reducing our stress levels, since this immersion takes us “outside” of ourselves and away from our endless pursuits of happiness and a stress-free life.

  • Why read: It’s a quick, well researched and very insightful read.

  • Time: 6min

How Do We Grow Through Challenges? by Leah Katz

  • Briefly: The article explains how we often aren’t fully paying attention during times we deem as ‘difficult’. These difficult times may still have insight and joy in them and in this article it is expressed how essential it is for us to try stay fully aware of each moment -or we might just miss it all.

  • Why read: Have you ever hoped that we as people will come out of the coronavirus pandemic having learnt something? Or that something positive could come of it? Well this article addresses these exact questions, along with some tips on increasing your own awareness, so go ahead and give it a read. 

What is Psychological Wellbeing? by Professor Ivan Robertson

  • Briefly: Professor Robertson details what underpins psychological wellbeing, the two types of psychological wellbeing and the factors that affect it.

  • Why read: If you’re interested in psychology and would like to know what psychological wellbeing really means, you’ll likely enjoy this article, as it gives us a basis for understanding this popular topic.

  • Time: 4min

Personal Growth by Andy Puddicombe

  • Briefly: The author explains to us how personal growth doesn’t have to be complicated or complex and that the essence of personal growth often happens in the moment through mindfulness, mediation and awareness.

  • Why read: Andy Puddicombe is a clinical meditation consultant and co-founder of a successful meditation company. Reading this article is quick and enjoyable. It almost seems like a personal chat with him, as he’s written the article in an unsophisticated and easily readable manner.

  • Time: 3min

Growth Journal newsletter #3

Photo by Nitish Meena

Photo by Nitish Meena

Growth Journal newsletter

"Hi friend. This weeks edition of Growth Digest has a number of very practical takeaways, from becoming more honest to helping others out. While I try not to fall into 'sports fan' mode in the quest for truth, it's still great to see that living virtuously also improves our own wellbeing 


How Honesty Could Make You Happier by Judi Ketteler 

  • BrieflyHonesty is the best policy, is an age-old proverb that we usually don’t give much thought to. But maybe we should? This article explains how limiting our little white lies has the potential to make us healthier and happier.

  • Why read: Reading this article actually made me chuckle to myself, as the author wittily describes her conversations with her 6 and 8 year olds around the topic of honesty. It’s a well-researched read and would be a shame to skip it!

  • Time: 3min

The Science of Helping Out by Amrita Marino

  • Briefly: Have you ever saved a kindle of kittens, or a litter of puppies and thought: “this was a financially terrible idea”? Well don’t worry, because although financially it might not have been good for you; it sure is good for your emotional health. This article details exactly why this is the case and argues for us to be more generous.

  • Why read: Did you know the act of giving advice has been shown to be more beneficial than receiving it? If not, then there’s one reason to read this article. It includes many scientific pearls of wisdom such as the above fact, as well as links to useful platforms that you may want to check out.

  • Time: 7min

What Is The Negativity Bias and How Can it be Overcome? By Catherine Moore 

  • Briefly: The author explains to us in plain language, what negativity bias is; examples of the bias; how it influences our actions and how we can potentially overcome it.

  • Why read: We’ve all been there -replaying in our heads that one past awkward encounter or mistake we’ve made, feeling a little more insecure about it each time. Well now, fret (and ruminate) no more! This article is scientifically backed and has everything we need to help overcome our negativity biases.

  • Time: 9min

We Aren’t Built to Live in the Moment by Martin E. P. Seligman and John Tierney 

  • Briefly: This article is co-written by the man himself – Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology. The article explains that although living in the present has its benefits, contemplating the future is just as 'healthy' and useful to us as humans.

  • Why read: This article is definitely worth a read, particularly during turbulent times such as the ones we currently find ourselves in. I think the message behind this article is especially powerful, as we’re all too often advised that ‘living in the now’ is the ‘best’ way to live.

  • Time: 4min

Growth Journal newsletter #2


"Hi friend. Another week of uncertainty, and another week of beauty - I suppose welcome to life on Earth. Below are some great pieces on areas spanning from meaningful life to how technology is disrupting wellbeing in 2020. Enjoy!"



Realizing Your Meaning: 5 Ways to Live a Meaningful Life by Alicia Nortje 

  • Briefly: As the title suggest, this article provides us with the perfect handful of advice on living a meaningful life.

  • Why read: For most of us, it’s another week of being in quarantine and its getting harder to think of things to talk about. This article delves into a topic that always makes for deep and meaningful conversation: What is the meaning of life? So if you’re feeling philosophical, have a read at 5 ways to live a meaningful life.

  • Time: 4min 

Is Social Media Bad for You?  by Loren Soeiro

  • Briefly: This article discusses the power of social media and the link between social media and wellbeing. It also concludes with a tip on boosting your wellbeing.

  • Why read: This is a well-researched, quick and easy read with some surprising statistics.

  • Time: 6min 

What Will Well-being Look Like in 2020 by Dean Griffiths

  • Briefly: The author of this article gives us a look into what wellbeing might soon look like (gamified exercise and stem cell therapy, among other things) and it sure makes for an interesting read.

  • Why read: If you’re reading this, wellbeing is probably an interest of yours. What we know about wellbeing is changing by the day and this article is perfect for those curious to know more about what it will look like for us now and in the future.

  • Time: 3min  

4 Reasons Why an Optimistic Outlook Is Good for Your Health by Utpal Dholakia 

  • Briefly: This article outlines the physical (and significant) benefits of being optimistic.

  • Why read: It’s often easy to fall into the trap of having a pessimistic outlook of the future, especially during a pandemic, which is why this article is perfect for reminding us why optimism is so important. 

  • Time: 5min

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Growth Journal newsletter #1

Photo by Dan Otis

Photo by Dan Otis

"Hi friend, I'm Patrick, founder of Growth Journal, and I wanted to give you a warm welcome to our first ever newsletter. 

Our mission to help you see the beauty of life while pursuing further growth, and in this newsletter, we aim to bring you the best knowledge on positive psychology and wellbeing.

I truly hope you find it valuable!"


Three Daily Experiences to Create Well-being In Quarantine by Yael Schonbrun 

  • Briefly: In a few paragraphs, the author describes what factors contribute to wellbeing and thus how we can improve wellbeing while being stuck at home.

  • Why read: Reading this article will give you an idea on what to focus on to keep yourself feeling in control. 

  • Time: 4min 

Simple Tricks to Exercise Your Brain by By Mark Stibich

  • Briefly: Given that we’re all stuck at home right now with limited sources of mental stimulation, I thought I would include an article on how to exercise and keep your brain sharp – Check it out.

  • Why read: It’s a really quick read! Plus it has a bunch of handy ‘hacks’ to keep you mentally sharp.

  • Time: 3min

What is the GROW Coaching Method by Kelly Miller

  • Briefly: There's a new method that helps you to set manageable and realistic goals. 

  • Why read: The GROW model in general is used across many industries (because it’s so useful). So why not take a few minutes to learn about the model and perhaps see where and how you can incorporate it into your life?

  • Time: 8min

10 Well-founded Tips and Tricks to Cope with Bad Moods in Times of the Corona Crisis by Dr. Nico Rose

  • Briefly: In this article, reputable psychologist Dr. Nico Rose outlines 10 ways in which you can strengthen your mental health and cope with those pesky mood swings while staying at home during the COVID19 crisis. 

  • Why read: This article is both brief and useful, giving you practical solutions to the psychological stressors we’re all experiencing at home.

  • Time: 5min

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